This review is coming WAY too late, but I figured it belongs here after Sekiro and Mario Odyssey changed my mind about needing to finish games if I just am really disliking them. However unlike those two games, there were plenty of things about Anthem that I liked, but oh boy is it a far more poorly made game than those two were.

Anthem is one of the bigger disappointment's I have felt in quite a long time, and that is due to the fact that this is BIOWARE. I have purchased every Bioware game more or less day 1 since Baldur's Gate 2, and I have NEVER felt disappointed or genuinely upset at any of them. Sure there's been big ups and downs, but I always recognized a consistent quality. Anthem has broken that chain. The story is VERY meh, there is basically one companion who is SUPER MEH, there is no roleplaying at all with your character, the missions are very boring, the enemies are boring... but the gameplay is good and so is the flying. So it has that at least! Seriously the mech suits look and play awesome, there is a good game here. I didn't do much multiplayer but had some fun when I did a few missions at least. Being a spritely Interceptor or a Storm wizard and floating over the battlefield chucking spells felt great. I just wish I cared to go back and finish it?

But, I really don't. Ouch

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2022
