I had purchased I am Setsuna and Oninaki and plan to play them eventually, however, I never managed to pick up this one since for some reason it would never drop in price and I was fortunate to play it from the PS plus catalog. I certainly hope the others too are better than this in terms of keeping my interest because this one never grabbed me too much. It had no real unf to keep me gripped on the story and I didn't really care for half the character. A few decent instances of some events caught my attention if not for a little bit and the combat was a nice little system with the Mech suits and whatnot. This one has gotten me a bit burned out of the Jrpg category for a bit with this one. Supposedly this one is around 20 hrs long, but felt more like a slog of 40 hrs. Even if a game is a bit subpar, I have a bad habit of always seeing it to the end lol.

Reviewed on Apr 01, 2023
