Perhaps I treated you too harshly......then again, maybe not.

This game never set right with me after the torment it had given me and I had thrown in the towel, but momma didn't raise no quitter and it's become a very bad habit of mine to let sleeping dogs lie. Once I started to sink my teeth into the great game that is Diablo 4 this damn game kept sinking into the back of my mind to remind me of the unfinished journey I had started quite a while ago. Needless to say, I had finally conquered the deadly Duriel and dove into the hellscape that laid before me in the coming acts all the way to the credits.

Honestly, I can't say much has changed from the judgments I made before and after acquiring the full experience, some of the same issues still stand. The grind is truly the worst I had experienced in a Diablo game. Once I hit level 20 every level after felt like it took centuries until I made it to the lord of Destruction where XP kind of got a much-needed boost. The environments, monsters, and pure aesthetic of this game are one to see for any fans of this style of game and the cutscenes were gorgeous! I loved these things about the game. Although playing as a solo assassin was tough, I was fortunate to make this nice build that carried me to the end. Although some end-game bosses were insanely tough including bullshit hellish dinosaurs toward the end that can stun-lock you. This game certainly has to have one of the worst systems when you die where you have to run all the way back to your body to get your gear back. The enemy AI is damn smart too and will camp your body until you get there just to beat your ass again. These demons got no mercy!!

Glad I stuck through it after failing constantly and came back and fought to an accomplishing finish to the game. Give it a shot if you enjoy the others, but be warned it's a relentless old-school hardcore beast to tame.

Reviewed on Jun 13, 2023
