I still gotta beat it but idc it's already a 10/10 with how engaging it is and I haven't even gotten past like act 1

Update: I got to act 3 and this is game of the year no question about it. Perfect pacing, sharp narrative and dialogue, very intriguing and likeable cast with stellar voice performances, engaging battle system with a great class system, the freedom of shaping not only your own narrative but also perform unique ways to resolve situations and to top it all of an incredibly fun multiplayer. This game just has it all and it sounds like one that is too good to be true but it is that good and it is a really worthwhile investment. Every ounce of praise its getting isn't undeserved at the slightest.

Update 2: I beat the game! The epilogue made the end so much more satisfying and obv everything I said stands true still.

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2023
