I needed to come here after reviewing Doom to discuss just Episode 4. Now after beating episode 3 I was like "WOW what a solid ending but I felt like the difficulty Plateaued and I was really ready to test my skills." This episode delivers on that, and it makes you regret asking for more of a challenge because HOLY SHIT are some of these levels BRUTAL. It's all of the best parts of Doom turned up to 11, in the respect that, the "Conserve your ammo and health because you are getting 50 shotgun shells for 50 enemies levels." Make you use every secret area to your advantage you need to learn every enemy placement perfectly. The Puzzle levels make you explore the whole map multiple times to figure out where the fuck you are going and what you could possibly be missing. And finally the DOOM levels are just so satisfying mowing down a sea of enemies with a cache of weapons and ammo you spent 3 episodes grinding out. And at this point my aim was so on point and I was SKATING around these levels hitting my shots ducking under fireballs and it just felt so incredible that I get excited just talking about it. Episode 4 while painfully hard at time is seriously some of the best Doom.

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2021
