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I understand the general hate for this game.

I understand that people think that going back to the more level based approach like Demon Souls was a downgrade of the large interconnected world of Dark Souls. While I feel that the world of Dark Souls 2, even more specifically the 3 DLC areas were just as memorable and even more memorable than that that of Dark Souls and that each of the indiviudal locations had their own identity. Also if you are still bitching about the lighting being different than the E3 demo, you literally don't understand how games are made and I hope you down in the Spiderman puddles.

I understand that mobs of enemies make people feel like they rely on cheap tactics and lessa bout skill while I felt this game made me a better dark souls player. Each area couldn't just be ran into mindlessly and it forced me to scope out every area before entering it knowing how fast a fight can get out of hand. I never felt like this was cheap in anyway and taught me how to deal with not only large groups of enemies but use the area I was in as an advantage.

I understand that people dislike the movement in this game but I feel that with the changes they made to rolling and poise as well as the combat system, this change had no impact on my enjoyment adn allowed me to have a very well armored and protected charachter while still having decent mobility.

I always felt like all the NPC interactions aside from a few in Dark Souls were very unmemorable and pretty useless while I feel like everyone I came along in Dark Souls 2 had a reason to be there and and I always would exhaust every dialouge tree. Also as I've said if you care about lore in Dark Souls you are a weirdo who needs to be locked up.

I love this game just as much as Demon Souls and Dark Souls and I don't care who knows it.

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2021
