Beating the final boss of Dark Souls 3 was the most bittersweet feeling I've had playing video games.

This year I played and beat Every Soulsbourne Game starting with Demon Souls and it played out almost like one giant epic to me. And this game was that book closing.

People dismiss this game as a retread of the previous games but I never once felt like it wasn't warranted. Coming back to this place that so many adventures had taken place felt right to end the adventure. It's almost like one last Hurrah, playing the hits, it's that final stop on the long journey. I loved seeing characters and areas from previous souls games because I think they earned it.

Getting back to Anor Londo fucking ruled, they made you happy to see the archers, the worst enemies of all time, and that in itself is impressive. This game was fromsoft taking 7 years of learned experience and crafting the penultimate Souls game.

Now This is in no way my favorite but it's the best souls game there is. It looks stunning every area is awe-inspiring there isn't a bad monster design and the world feels so lived in. There's a lot of things to take for granted in this series but stopping and taking the time I just never wanted to leave this world.

The combat feels tighter than ever, the weapon variety, while numbers-wise is inferior to Dark Souls 2, every weapon here felt unique, and it felt like they had so much fun putting heart and soul into every single one of them.

While some people think that this is the easiest souls game and that it's frankly very easy to soar through it, which it is, in hindsight, it's just that I played so many souls that you belong in that world now. You learned the rules that they put in place and this is you showing them you know what you are doing.

There isn't the mystery of the previous games because it's the final chapter. You are supposed to know by now, but you need to prove it to them.

Dark Souls 3 is the book closing on a perfect series. I never get the arguing between which is the best and worst game. It's like choosing a favorite family member. I love them all, and I wouldn't change a thing about them.

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2021
