First Impressions, this game is pretty underwhelming. When this was announced I was mostly interested in the Final Fantasy VII portion of this bundle. For those unaware this is an interesting mobile collection of three games. The original PS1 game, the PSP's Crisis Core game, and what I believe is a new title, "First Soldier".
Before playing any of this game however I spent an obnoxious amount of time making my way through menus and "gatcha game spins". The collectables included weapons and outfits for the characters. These can be used in any of the 3 titles as far as I could tell and can be equiped anytime before starting an episode. So right off the bat my initial hopes that this was going to be an episodic port of the original game with new models slapped on top was sadly not going to be the case. No controller support made the game annoying to play on my tablet in DeX mode. Combat was pretty mindless and automatic, even when swapped to manual mode. Instead of using the original turn based system the characters now fight on their own, with the only input needed from the player being to tap on large icons to cast spells and do techniques. Overworld navigation is pretty lack luster, story is railroaded, ultimately this is about as abridged a remake of this game can be.
As a time killer I can see this being alright but for myself I don't see much reason to continue. I never thought this was going to top the absolutely steller port of the original game for Switch by any means, but I did expect more from it than this.

Reviewed on Sep 13, 2023
