2 reviews liked by Dragoij

This one is hard to review. It is probably one of the best farming games I played, but at the same time it sabotages itself in multiple ways.

Most notable of all, if you are interested in characters and relationships in these games, this one is not for you. Characters barely have unique dialogue, they repeat some tips constantly, it is clear the budget went to other aspects of the game. It hurts more because some characters are really lovely designed, but there isn't really much to this aspect.

The farming stuff is really well done, and the crafting related systems are also greatly incorporated in your daily routine. The flower breeding is one of my favorite features, and it is rewarding to get new dyes after collecting a variety of species.

I think the game does stumble a bit at the start, focusing too much on the first dungeon, before truly opening up possibilities for the player. But after that I felt the pace at which I got to explore new stuff was great, and getting more magical stuff mixed in help bring out the uniqueness of the game.

I feel like while the game can be a lot of fun, it might be more fun a few months from now. At the moment I think the game is good, but it really needs some fixes and tweaks to become great, and it has the potential to be really great, it just needs an extra push.

[Note: I played it all solo and don't have much insight about the multiplayer features, but it was still great playing alone]

game freak released a glitchy unpolished barely finished mess in 1996,,,,nobody bats an eye
game freak released a glitchy unpolished barely finished mess in 2022,,,,everybody loses their minds!!!!

Anyway if i had to guess im a bit under halfway through but this is easily the most fun ive had with a pokemon game in like a decade. The people putting that much ire on the visual glitches and how ugly n performance are right in that this is unacceptable from a company as big as game freak but this has done very little to actually take away from my experience. At its core its just a fun small lil open world game where you run around on a fun dinosaur and do goofy stupid shit for gyms and stuff and i like it.

Many point to the removal of random battles/trainers as the best change, but i think its easily the fact that they made the characters shut the fuck up after like an hour