It's actually kinda impressive how much the core idea of the Job System is a diamond tier idea and equally impressive how much this game fucks it up. You pretty much get the only good jobs right out of the gate and every other job is a down-grade. You get forced to use the Scholar and Dragoon and everything else can kick rocks for all it matters.

Either than that the game is kinda goated. I could honestly seriously see myself thinking this was the greatest game ever if I had played it back when the original came out. Even if I wasn't playing the remaster, I can really feel how much the game tries to sell a adventure, plain and simple. Even if it does mean making really stupid decisions like how only one air ship can fly above mountains.

Eternal Winds is one of the best video game songs ever.

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2024


1 month ago

While the balancing is all over the place the intro jobs are not the best ones lol. White Mage is the best starting job but it eventually gets replaced by the Devout, Warrior is immediately replaced by the Knight, Dragoon and Ninja do ass tons of damage, Monk is eventually outclassed by Black Belt, etc. etc.

1 month ago

Yeah but those are just straight upgrades to the jobs with little no differences and I think the less said about how Ninja and sage are just, the best jobs in the game no if ands or buts. I tried Dragoon but I always felt that using Jump was always worse than just attacking except for the one time you have to use it for one boss.