Days Gone is a post-apocalyptic action-adventure game developed by SIE Bend Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. It follows the story of Deacon St. John, a former biker turned mercenary, as he navigates through the zombie-infested world in search of his lost love. While the game has its fair share of technical issues, it still manages to deliver an engaging storyline and exciting gameplay.

One of the main technical problems in Days Gone is its inconsistent frame rate. While it usually hovers around 30 frames per second, it frequently dips below that mark, especially in crowded areas. This can be particularly frustrating during combat sequences when split-second decisions are critical to survival. The game's loading times can also be lengthy, particularly when fast traveling to different locations.

Despite these technical issues, the game's story is compelling and emotionally resonant. The relationship between Deacon and his wife Sarah, who is presumed dead, is the driving force behind the narrative, and the game does an excellent job of exploring the complex emotions that come with loss and grief. The various factions and characters that Deacon encounters on his journey are also well-written and memorable, each with their own motivations and backstories.

Gameplay-wise, Days Gone is a mixed bag. The game's combat system is solid, with a wide variety of weapons and skills that allow players to take down zombies in a variety of ways. However, the game's stealth mechanics can feel clunky and imprecise, leading to frustrating moments when Deacon is detected by enemies despite being in cover. The game's motorcycle, which serves as Deacon's primary mode of transportation, is also a mixed bag. While it's fun to ride around the open world, it can be difficult to control at times, particularly when navigating rough terrain.

One of the game's most impressive features is its dynamic weather system. Rain, snow, and fog all affect gameplay in different ways, making for a more immersive and unpredictable experience. The game's day-night cycle is also well-implemented, with zombies becoming more aggressive and dangerous at night, adding an extra layer of tension to the gameplay.

Overall, Days Gone is a flawed but enjoyable experience. Its technical problems can be frustrating, but they don't detract too much from the game's compelling story and engaging gameplay. While it may not be the most polished or innovative game in the post-apocalyptic genre, it's still worth checking out for fans of the genre or anyone looking for a solid action-adventure game with a unique twist. I would give Days Gone a 3.5-star rating out of 5.

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2023
