Truthfully, I think it's one of the best game's ever made. All elements including the dialogue, soundtrack, narrative, and gameplay, are beautifully intertwined and cohesively work together to create a singular experience. The pacing is top-notch, and the variety of weapon's, gives a sense of individuality to each playthrough, while the adjustable difficulty that appears before every level allows for everyone to play; properly rewarding those who are willing to challenge themselves. This game feels so effortless in its delivery, it makes me wonder how we don't have 500 video games like this already, each great in their own right. Kid Icarus: Uprising is simply the perfect step-up in nearly every department a video game can have, and it knows exactly how far away it needs to be from the sun in order to be successful.

To top it all off, I think it looks flawless on the 3DS. Every piece of the environment assists in the obfuscating of hidden chests and secrets, Pit's model looks great and always stands out from everything else on the screen, while still being detailed and animated enough to capture the concept art drawn of him. The enemy design's contrast and interact with the environment well, and the green directional arrows that casually point you to where you need to go don't ruin the sense of progression. The ground combat, can seem shallow, but like I mentioned above, the variety of the weapon's, and the will to challenge yourself is the deciding factor here in your experience. It's amazing to me that this game manages to do all of this, and still casually progress the narrative of each character introduced by having God's banter about trivial and mundane things. Not a single joke feels out of place, and it's consistently enjoyable to listen to, even when you're replaying missions.

Hoping to see more Drakengard-likes in the future.

Reviewed on May 19, 2024


18 days ago

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17 days ago

@imshitting420 I could still see your comment in my notif's, Thank you! Also, I'd appreciate if you could tell me why you were conflicted about liking my review. I don't like being left in the dark. No problem if you don't feel comfortable with it.

17 days ago

@Dtown i hate the modern genre names like souls/rogue-likes, boomer shooters, earthbound inspired rpgs, etc. i also have a dislike for the nier games so seeing drakengard-like gave me cancer 💀 no disrespect to the people who like these games tho i just get tired of seeing it thrown around everywhere i go

17 days ago

@imshitting420 lol, I'm also not a fan of the "like-like" genre that have defined video games as of late, that bit was just a joke, Drakengard and Kid Icarus could not be farther apart from each other in regards to tone. But they do, interestingly, have commonalities in their game design, like the variety of weapons that each have their own special properties, and the air and ground gameplay segments being broken into 2 for the mission-based structure, with the character's talking while the gameplay is happening. They're also both Metafiction, which makes it more interesting to me that both Yoko Taro and Sakurai wanted their games to go in that direction.

17 days ago

@Dtown yee

11 days ago

--This review is now my most popular review-- yipee
I thought I would add onto this review by pointing out that I am also Left-handed, and I adjusted rather quickly to the controls, although I did feel slightly uncomfortable for a moment whilst playing. I encourage the idea of making the game more accessible, obviously. However, the top reviews are left-hand dominated by people complaining about the controls, so I am obligated to call out all the surrounding top reviews on this game by hitting you all with the titular, "skill issue."