God… I don’t know even where to begin with this game.

My first introduction to Undertale was in 2019, I was sitting bored in class, and I saw over the kid in front of me’s shoulder them playing a game on their laptop. It had an 8 bit style, and you were encountering monsters. I really wanted to try it out. Our school gave us really shitty laptops too so knowing I could run the game on a potato PC without having a visit to my local cybercafe, I wanted to know the name of it. The next day I talk with the student and he played dumb saying “what game?”.

Months pass. I am then watching the Direct where the Sans Mii costume got revealed and I saw that everyone went crazy. I decide to look further into it and turns out it was the game I saw the student in front of me playing. Or at least it looked very very similar.

Then world closes due to COVID. Could be perfect chance to ask my parents to buy the game for me. They end up buying a gaming PC as well due to closure of cyber cafes so my siblings and I can play games that require higher specs to run. Being able to sink into those games makes me forget about it up until somewhat recently. I played a lot of games and could only continue playing the games with no ending as I finished a lot of my backlog, then my parents decide to give me any game of choice if I do well in my exams, and I did pretty well, so I then remember Undertale so I asked for them to buy me the game

and boy did i not regret a second.

The gameplay is great. I love how you dodge things and how dependent the game is on timing, RE rate is acceptable unlike a lot of turn based RPGs, the game has great humour, the game has great characters with a lot of depth who I didn’t want to kill even on the genocide route, the music is some of the best in any video game, and I just can’t stop listening to Metal Crusher particularly.

Overall boy I loved this game and I was actually in a rush to finish pacifist a week ago because we were going to visit family in Malaysia for 2 weeks for the holidays, can’t wait to play Deltarune.

Reviewed on Jul 27, 2022
