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Disclaimer: I'm going to use this a moving assessment of the game as Ubisoft addresses bugs, glitches and overall improvements over the next few months. Breakpoint made the news recently being called out for it's poor sales performance.

Total Playtime as of 11/5/19: 33 hours Solo & 33 hours Coop

The game isn't radically different than Wildlands, even if Ubisoft's press briefing wants you to believe it being different hurt sales of the game. The open world is still huge, the graphics are top notch and a huge step up from Wildlands playing in 4K.

It's the little changes that made fans of the franchise weary. First, you do not have three AI teammates like Nomad had in Wildlands. You are completely solo unless one of your uPlay friends joins your game. That's the other big annoyance; the game is only available on uPlay OR Epic's new storefront. No steam this time around like the first game.

They wanted the game to be more realistic when your character is injured. So they added things like water and food that your character can use when you are fatigued, but you barely use these items as the idea was scrapped before the game launched. So these items are still in the game, but are barely used.

Base jumping is nearly impossible and needs to be fixed to be easier to jump off cliffs. If you are running down a hill, your character will start falling / sliding and rolling until your stamina is depleted. This makes escaping enemies very difficult at times.

They added a cameo prone feature that allows your character to hide in mud, as aerial or soldier patrols pass by, allowing your character to hide even better than before. This is a nice feature when drones flyby overhead.

I love the addition of Jon Bernthal in the game, but I wish his character was Nomad and not the villain, because once the main story is complete, you never see or hear Bernthal ever again... for obvious reasons.

Ubisoft has come out and said they will make changes to the game over the next months, including adding back 3 AI teammates, so I'll check back when these changes are made to see what other improvements were added.