2 reviews liked by Duldum

the plot was actually pretty captivating at the beginning, and honestly throughout. its only at the end where it fell off, game was tryna tell a story WAY bigger than itself- none of it is groundbreaking or never before seen plot points, but it was engaging.... and then it forgot what it is and tried to shove too much in. your hole can only take so much babe. one of ur main characters is a twinky long haired assassin wearin a slutty lil crop top 24/7 and u cannot tell me thats not silly as fuck . (he s my fav but thats besides the point)

ima keep it spoiler free though. the story is still pretty good and doesnt feel like Just as excuse to string together some sex scenes- and talkin bout those, they re pretty good also. art is one of the highlights of this vn, and if i remember correctly the writing during the sex scenes was pretty hot too.

despite it all, i do recommend it. even if it kinda falls off by the end, and one of the main love interests is so boring i forgot his name (short bitch)

this game is great because it has leos in it.