I fully acknowledge and agree with the praise for No More Heroes themes, but I play games for fun more than for anything else and I just did not have any.

Reviewed on Jan 25, 2022


1 year ago

This is the most fair negative review of NMH I've come in contact with however:

I should say I have to imagine NMH plays VERY different on the Nintendo Switch, one of the reasons this game is so popular is because it found a way to use the wii remote for both movement and as a controller without straining either. So honestly I have to imagine it took away from the experience a fair bit. Like a lot of the bosses are not fun, but a good few of them like Bad Girl and Shinobu actually are meant to be extremely satisfying on there.

1 year ago

Unfortunately, that's an experience I'm unlikely to ever have so all I can really do is judge the version I played. It's great that you can mark the platform you played on for situations like these.

1 year ago

I'm going to offer a counterpoint on that having played nmh1 on wii and nmh2 on switch and say you probably didn't miss out on much when it comes to the actual combat. the main gimmick is that you can switch between high and low attacks depending on the orientation of the wiimote, which works surprisingly well but I'm not sure is any worse than the two button approach the switch uses. the jack-off recharge motion is compromised but that joke only works so many times, and the wrestling moves have fun motion-based QTEs but i wouldn't say you're missing out on the experience much not doing them. the minigames do have some cute motion-controls here or there but it's not like the minigames are particularly engaging anyway. i personally found bad girl and shinobu very frustrating, though i think the latter was very well-designed and my issues stem more from the game's complete lack of tutorialization regarding dark step

1 year ago

Yup agreed, its great, it plays radically different depending on console hardware, like even the PS3 port plays entirely differently. In most cases I just kind of ignore this, for example I play most SNES games with an xbox remote and call it a day, its actually just kind of funny in these unique cases where it does kind of matter.

Still there's obviously so much intentional bullshit (chores lol) in the game that I obviously would not recommend replaying the whole game that way anyway if you didn't enjoy it. But if you ever find yourself around the Wii version for some reason I recommend trying it out just to see how it feels, its really unique in that regard. You probably will not like most the other games after this although they are all more streamlined than this.

But as a consolation, I do recommend Killer 7 if you haven't played it already.

1 year ago

Yeah that's fair, I'm not sure how it plays on switch I only play TSA on switch which is an entirely different game. For what its worth I wasnt remotely saying it an invalid experience lol it probably does capture most of it but all those things you mentions stacks up. even though they are individually a bit gimmicky the main one (high and low combat) on the wii mote is incredibly satisfying. I also thought the mic speaker use was cool as a dramatic call buildup when going into fights.

1 year ago

that's true, the wiimote mic garden of madness calls do rule @Erato. and I definitely agree that killer7 is a masterpiece and would highly recommend it to even those who found nmh sorta mid (myself included)

1 year ago

I've already finished the No More Heroes franchise since I put this up , at the years-long behest of my brother he finally just gave me money for NMH 1 and 2 and physical copies of TSA and 3, split across christmas and birthday gifts