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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 23, 2023

Platforms Played


3.5 / 5.
Man what a mixed experience, this game had so much going for it, yet, so much going against it.
First off, this game looks stunning. The gore design is incredible and some of the death scenes are horrible to watch in the best way possible. The atmosphere here is also great, although i'm not sure they make the most of it. I quite like the combat system too, the way you can dodge enemy attacks and beat them up is really cool to me. The actors also do a great job here, and the game has a nice, fast pace to it.
But yeah this game is almost a carbon copy of Dead Space, i'm aware a lot of people who worked on Dead Space worked on this, but they sure didn't do anything to differentiate this. The story also lacks a lot, it feels like you're wandering around for too much of this game while the story doesn't progress, at least until the final few chapters.
And although I praised the atmosphere, this game is not nearly as scary as Dead Space, and some of the level design in here is at times, stupid.