My review is probably not going to come off as anything different than what you probably have already heard about this game. That's because most of the criticisms you'll hear rings absolutely true. But I will say I did enjoy it more this time around.

Vast majority of the bosses are mid in comparison to other soul games, and all of them, even the ones I thought were good have kinda aged poorly for me with how archaic their mechanics are. And it's saying something that most of the good ones were only DLC too. And this game easily has the collection of the worst boss runs in any souls game. I don't think that's debatable.
The area design just keeps going down rapidly getting worse as you go on till you start getting to some of the most tedious and numbing levels in any souls game, where it generally feels like it's designed not to be challenging in a "puzzle" or any engaging way, but rather to fuck over the player as much as possible.
And just so, so many quality of life issues that I could list that this review could turn into an essay.
At the very least the Fromsoft Souls formula is still fun here, and the story is pretty darn good even though it's not near my favourite of the franchise, which says more about Fromsoft's storytelling in other games.

Reviewed on Sep 24, 2023
