Wrote an extremely reactionary response to this right after I finished it where I felt sick for having played it at all because I genuinely believed the game was a suicide note. I’ve looked into it a lot more since then and confirmed that the author is still alive, which made me feel a lot better. Now I’d like to actually talk about the game.

This is a very interesting experience because I don’t think I’ve ever played a game that encourages you to get so hopelessly lost as this one. It’s a walking sim but you’re constantly discovering new environments and events, and there’s always an easy way to reset. The atmosphere is fantastic and it can be a very immersive experience.

This part might just be me but honestly I find this game much more unsettling than most horror games I’ve played. It gets under my skin very easily even though you’re never really in danger, there’s just something about the implied subject matter combined with the atmosphere that really reaches me. The ending is also very haunting to me, although I know lots of people have more positive interpretations of it.

The story is very vague and up to interpretation but honestly I really like that about it, the game has the potential to say so much with so little and I really appreciate that the creator has stayed so quiet on it all. It’s very easy to revisit because of how aimless it can all be (intentionally!!), but it’s also easy to blast through with a guide and just soak in the vibes.

Very strange game but I’ve continued thinking about it a lot, definitely left its mark on me so I’m glad I experienced it

Reviewed on May 10, 2024
