Ocarina of time is truly one of the video games of all time.

If you want to check it out, play the 3DS remake. It completely replaces the original and is better in every way.

OOT is a good game, but is underwhelming if you go into it with the mindset of it being one of the greatest games of all time. The whole game feels very bare bones and simplistic which makes it harder to revisit. I also think the pacing of the initial child section is too slow and these are what often kill my attempted replays of the game. Also the stupid owl is terrible and won't shut up!

Also 100% is not worth it and feels more like busy work since the open world is so bare bones. OOT is still a fine game, but it's definitely overrated. I don't consider it to be the greatest game of all time and it's nowhere near my favorite zelda game (Majora does everything this game does, but better).

Reviewed on Jul 09, 2023
