I’m gonna warn you right now my bias is insane.

Anyway Doom Eternal is probably one of the best games ever made, an absolute masterpiece of an FPS that ID poured all their years of game crafting into.

Firstly I will discuss two major criticisms I’ve seen.

People think the game is too “video gamey”. What does this mean? Basically pickups float around waiting for you to grab them, there’s random monkey bars and climbable walls around, things are brighter and glow a bit to highlight where to go and what to do. I personally don’t really see the problem in this at all. While the game may not be as “realistic” as Doom 2016 I think I really do prefer this more colorful and fictional style. It really makes enemies, weapons, and the levels pop, and I really appreciate how weapons and enemies were slightly redesigned to maintain their classic looks.

I’ve seen complaints about the story. It’s absolutely true that Doom Eternal has a lot of cutscenes, some can definitely drag on for a bit. But most of them can be skipped completely, rendering this complaint nonsensical. The story is enjoyable too, not sure why you would even want to skip.

Anyway back to gushing, Eternal takes the gameplay of Doom 2016 and makes it much faster. The game adds things like the dash and blood punch along with frag and ice grenades and a “flame belch” as well. These attachments, working with the glory kill system and chainsaw, give you the ability to get all the tools you need at any time. Armor, health, breathing room, and ammo.

Enemy variety is stellar. From aggressive and fast imps, to walking tanks like the mancubus, to the DPS shredding doom hunters, you will need to target different weak points and constantly swap weapons to deal with threats.

On top of all of that the levels are crafted beautifully. Some of the most gorgeous and creative environments I’ve ever seen in any game. They’re so much fun to fight and explore in, and explore you will since there are tons of secrets scattered around.

The base game is pretty much perfect, most of my genuine criticism lies in the after-release attention this game received. Firstly battle mode was a complete blunder. I don’t know a single person that played it, and I genuinely think they wasted resources even working on it at all.

The two DLCs were also incredibly in many ways but they have confusing difficulty. AG1 is arguably much harder than AG2 for the most part.

Finally the master levels, only about 5 or so were actually made. I’m disappointed since they seemed to put way more effort into the final few and I don’t think they should have bothered. If they just focused on making harder versions without all the challenges and bonus modes tacked on, I really think they would have finished all of them.

Hoard mode was also disappointing. A very confusing system where you randomly gain weapons, and a scoring system that completely ignores comboing kills, preferring extra lives instead.

Despite those complaints, I’ve replayed this game about 20 times already and it’s still one of my absolute favorites. Play it. Experience perfection.

Reviewed on Oct 18, 2023
