This is a very functional shooter and something where there is the distinct Rareware charm to it, although it's awfully primitive and I think one of its biggest flaws is just how so much of it feels rote now and the gameplay has been expanded on in better titles such as Perfect Dark and Timesplitters 2, and also the control scheme which worked for the time but would probably alienate people just picking this up for the first time. It was and very much feels like a group of people trying to make a low-rent videogame version of the movie Goldeneye (1995) and its kind of charming in that respect - and the objective based approach is simple and straight forward, so much of this game is just centred around being a pure FPS game without much slack towards it - even if it can be confusing at points.

Would still very much recommend this game though, although I think that a lot of people wind up remembering much more about their late 90s era nostalgic memories much more than the actual game - although the multiplayer portion is probably the most fun part of this game, just with how much it allowed you to mess around with friends. It's also enjoyable purely on the basis to see an early example of where certain mechanics (namely location based damage, quassi-stealth segments, and the cinematic approach to videogame storytelling) come from. This was great for its time, still fun - but not exactly the best shooter game in the world.

Reviewed on Mar 07, 2021
