Essentially an amalgamation of Fallout and STALKER made as a total conversion mod of Doom 2, and I was kind of shocked by just how inventive and atmospheric this thing was. Was kind of in the mood for some sort of post-apocalyptic vibe, and they definitely succeed in creating this bleak sort of tone, and it has worldbuilding where I honestly thought this was made on the Build Engine and not the Doom one. Places feel way more realistic in nature compared to the abstract nature of the missions in Doom, although this game is surprisingly very linear and arcade-like with relentless, fast-paced action.

Think also the ammo scarcity mechanics in this are interesting because you really can not waste your ammo, and fights in this game are absolutely relentless and quite. Weapons in this game are compensated by the fact that they are quite overpowered, like the revolver and the crowbar you get at the start of the game are so good that you will be using them towards the very end. As a whole, it is kind of a mish-mash of trying to add RPG-like elements into Doom. Thought some elements in this were kind of weird, like how you have a motorcycle except your character also runs at Olympic speeds without any sort of detriment but is basically mandatory for jumping over ramps in this, and also stuff like how you're introduced to trip mines, except you basically never encounter them at all except from your character placing them yourself. Only real nit-pick does come from some awkward handling of the mechanics but that's about it really.

Reviewed on Nov 13, 2022
