A proper Metroid revival for modern times. From what I have seen of Samus Returns, that game was experimenting with a lot of concepts that would later be refined in Dread.

Metroid Dread is a game that always pushes you out of your comfort zone. It always presents you with a new ability, a new limitation, a new area to explore, or a terrifying enemy to defeat. This creates an incredibly engaging gameplay loop that hooks you in and doesn't let go.

There isn't much to complain about from the gameplay part. The level design is masterfully crafted in a way that I never actually got lost, while still maintaining the feeling of openness. The boss encounters are big and bombastic, serving as a perfect reward for mastering the game's mechanics. I also cannot emphasize enough how just as the player is starting to get a rhythm for the loop, the game completely flips everything on its head.

A true passion project that had me hooked all the way through. I cannot wait to see what adventures are still in store for the universe's deadliest bounty hunter.

Reviewed on Nov 08, 2021
