Final Fantasy truly is a series that has some gems, and a few missteps. Often I read people praise FF VII, and rightfully so because the game is amazing. I believe FF X is often left out of the conversation when the best of FF is discussed. FFX is great and the added bonus to fight Dark Aeons, and a few other features that weren't in the original U.S. version is fantastic. The remaster of both games are great, and will provide hours of your time, and most importantly you will enjoy it if you are a fan of RPG, or FF. FF X-2 is a nice bonus, but if your like me you wold purchase this for FF X alone.

There are some flaws. The game does have some inconsistent HD visuals, and some long loading times. They are small issues, and does not detract from the experience too much. It is noticeable and worth a mention however.

Reviewed on May 28, 2022
