1 review liked by Eihadyne

Big oof.

I have a lot of patience when it comes to video games and I’m always willing to give a game a fair shot if it sounds like something I’d enjoy. I think I’m typically pretty lenient so I’m having trouble thinking of a single game I peaced out of faster than this one.

It’s bad with extra bad on the side. Looks bad (I’m not a graphics whore but this game is like… I don’t know how to explain it but kind of blurry or fuzzy, maybe?), feels bad, is bad. The imbalanced difficulty for solo play is apparently ridiculous so I tried to play with other people expecting that to at least be kind of fun even if the game was trash. It wasn’t.

It honestly feels like they were just counting on D&D fans to buy the game without question and I sincerely hope that didn’t happen to too many people because I can’t imagine how awful it would feel to love D&D and then play this. If they were at all hoping to get more people interested in D&D, I’m not sure they’ll be able to count that mission accomplished. Certainly not when it comes to me anyway!