This game is amazing, the best FPS I've ever played hands down
Combat is juicy and satisfying, movement feels great and enemy variety is pretty good too

The weapons, though fewer than in other FPS games, are insanely fun to use and the game features dozens of different advanced techniques and synergies between weapons

The story is good enough, it's a pretty hilariously edgy premise but I like the characters a lot and it's not cheesy or hard to take seriously. It's never forced on you either, if you want to just keep playing then the game won't stop you

The Cyber Grind is really fun to master, though it could use some polishing since some larger enemies semi-frequently get stuck on terrain

This game's take on hell is really refreshing, as it pulls inspiration from Dante's Inferno and avoids the typical fire and brimstone aesthetic for the most part except the areas where it's most fitting (heresy)

The soundtrack is absolutely incredible, for the most part breakcore-esque rather than the usual boomer shooter heavy metal

The fact that the game is this good and still only in early access makes me really excited to see how it concludes in its third and final act

Reviewed on Sep 15, 2022
