There are only so many times you can call a game something stupid and laugh to yourself, which is sadly the highlight of this game, but for what it is its a fun little sim and a decent time killer, overhauling the story and making a more in depth mode would be a welcome addition, as it is its too easy to break and sadly the key to winning seems to be find two or three fomulas that work and stick with them.

While I do personally prefer the original game (it being a near perfect masterpiece) the fact that this was made by one guy in (supposedly) a year is astounding. Some set pieces were a little over indulgent, and the quality isn't super consistent, but this is clearly a labour of love and I completely understand why its heralded as a classic mod. Some of the most ambitious and creative level design I've seen in an engine this primative.

Another quirky, earthbound inspired RPG :)

More like Gayl gottem

Gael's easily the hardest boss here but Midir is certainly my favourite, more my kind of challenge when it comes to these. Demon Princes are debateably the best gank fight in the series. Halflight and the levels are kinda mid but very skipable so I'll applaud the near perfect stuff here.