Really happy with this. One of the fastest, coolest, and most unique shooters and I'm really glad FPS games are starting to go back into the more fast-paced direction. Each weapon is really fun to use and have really special alt fires like creating a time stop bubble. An argument could be made that a lot of it is derivative of games like ultrakill and doom eternal, and yeah I totally agree. But it has enough unique aspects in both the level design, tone, art style, and enemy variety that it feels like its own thing. I totally love the art style, by the way.. Now it's time for my problems with the game... first thing first is the deflect. Now, back in the demo when you deflected it would spin your shovel in a circle, and any bullets that hit you would return to the enemies and explode, like in ultrakill. That's cool. But the problem is that in the full version that shovel spinning animation is gone. And I thought deflects in general were gone because Q is to kick. I checked the bindings and Q was set to both kick and deflect. Huh? I was so confused, I was wondering if it was contextual like if it sensed a bullet coming at you it would play the parry animation but then I realized the kick itself was also the deflect, like it bounces off the bottom of your shoe. Why? Is it cause ultrakill deflects are punches? You know v1's hand is made of robot steel metal iron right? and postal dude's foot isn't! I don't care that it's a silly joke game that takes place inside a crazy guy's dream. It feels really off and it wasn't really a problem after the first level, because there aren't that many hitscan enemies in the game. My second problem was the humour. Postal is usually a laugh out loud hilarious franchise. But I was kinda underwhelmed by this game's humour. Most of the dialogue I heard was repeated multiple times, and it would've been ok if it was funny. Like. He says "OK Boomer" sometimes after u kill someone. that should give you an idea of what you're up against in this game. Some of them I don't even understand. You pick up a health pipe and he says "health? ha ha. pipe. ha ha." I sort of get pipe is supposed to imply Weiner but why is he laughing at health? But on the bright side, I think this will be a really fun time capsule when it gets replayed 20 years from now and seeing what it was like in the late 2010s and early 2020s having all these references. Sure it could be dated but it could also be like duke nukem 3d where you have a look back at what the popular culture was like back then. But for now, it's just lightly stale internet memes. That's not to say this game isn't funny at all, just it kinda falls short of what I expect out of a postal game's humour. Here's an example of a good joke in this game: You know siren head? the giant monster thing with a siren for a head? In this game, there's an enemy type like that but instead of a siren, he has a 5G head! I will give you 15 seconds to laugh before I move on with the review. Go on, laugh. I'm a patient guy don't worry about me. ............................................................................................................................ done laughing? alright, let's move on. As for my final complaint, I think this game's health placements were very unfair. For the last level, I went into it with low health from finishing the previous one and there was no healing station. A man can only take so much punishment, I can't handle all these crazy enemies when I'm 1 hit away from death. It's got doom eternal speed and arenas, (you can leave the arenas anytime you don't have to finish them off, so it does a cool mix of eternal style and classic style kill rooms) but it doesn't have glory kills. maybe it was just a thing on higher difficulties but I had to redo the 2nd last mission to have health for the last mission. But I guess it makes you need to be more careful and adds a layer of difficulty to it. Anyways, yeah it's postal yeah it's awesome and I think it gets better as it goes on with more enemy variety and puzzles and weapons and things and awesomeness. To me, this is to the postal series what metal gear rising is to the metal gear series. Therefore: AWESOME.

Reviewed on Jun 13, 2022


2 years ago

I love how the indie scene evolved. They really bring the goods that the big AAA guys don't serve anymore

2 years ago

yup, with the huge audience that AAA games have they don't really take risks often but its alright cause indie games are more accessible than ever