I literally participated in the spanish fan translation on the game so i can't say anything bad about it. I mean, the logo on backloggd cover isn't official, it is made by me xddd.

I literally participated in the spanish fan translation on the game so i can't say anything bad about it. I mean, the logo on backloggd cover isn't official, it is made by me xddd.

No jokes this game it the most complete since IE3, must play.

Pokémon Legends: Arceus is the way this franchise have to go on. Once you forget the Ps2 looking that the game has in many parts it becomes a very FUNNY game, that lets you to feel all you wanted in a Pokémon game when you were twelve.
All the complains people had about poor exploration in the previous 3D games are destroyed in this new experience, you can feel the creatures alive and a town that evolves as you make achievements and help people.
If you were always a Pokémon fan you re gonna love this one.