An exceptionally slick game that shows off some neat technological features and the core gameplay remains as fun as ever.

Super-Hero saturation really is setting in though and this a rather unremarkable story in that pantheon.

Insomiac’s New York continues to be the blandest and least interactive ‘open-world’ in the triple-a space. It is pretty set dressing to swing around in but any close examination betrays a cardboard cutout facade.

Overall I was expecting a more substantial step-forward for the reviews this has been getting but expect more of the same just a generation removed from when the original felt fresh and exciting.

I wish Insomniac could lend their expertise to a far more interesting property than Spider-Man (Sunset Overdrive 2, god I beg you) a new idea from the team is needed but I fear PlayStation will have them be the Marvel factory from here on out.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2023
