This game never gets old to me. No matter how many times I replay it, I discover something new. Something I've never noticed before.

Deus Ex revolutionized what an immersive sim was. Never have I played a game this open ended that even something as tiny as the health system is immersive. The upgrade system and augmentation systems are also very open ended in a similar way.

The story of Deus Ex is campy in a cute way, while simultaneously being really grounded in reality. The conspiracy theory aspects are entertaining whereas everything else hits really damn hard.

Though in terms of the conspiracy bits, there is never gonna be a time where I don't feel some kind of surprise when I realize what a plot element is. The first time I played this game, and I got to a certain moment, it was like a bomb had just been dropped. I was sitting there in awe for like a straight 5 minutes. It's so good.

I can't stress enough how good this game is.

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2023
