The polar bear has some swag, but other than that, why were these bozos playable in Smash?

If you want your kids to absolutely hate math and you, be my guest. Rayman 1 is already not fun to go back to (unless we're talking 'bout Redemption), and you expect me to LEARN with these controls?

What were they thinking with both Anubis Rex and King Galaxian? Other than that, good game. I'd recommend Re-Pac, though.


Most prolific thing in Nintendo history, what more to say?

Why would I need more games when Wii Play Motion exists?

Wii Play, do you?

Is that a threat?

Say the line, Scott!

This game blows.

There's a zombie on your lawn, should probably get that checked.

I'm too HUNGRY for waiting for this shit...

Suddenly, I gain a strong urge to give up in life.

Nick is very, and I repeat: VERY hit-or-miss with their licensed games. When they hit, it's outta the park. But when they miss, shit like this happens.

Oh golly gee, I'm about to drink my own Wii.

Shrek Super Party, if you couldn't tell, is Mario Party, but with a very important twist to make it stand out: it's bad.

Oh no Shrek, please don't slam me in my soup...

Completed it once. If you want more out of this game, find Blasters ++ and download that, you'll thank me later.

Why Moon Rabbit Crew, though? Well, no matter the version, MRC is still MRC at its core.