Of all contemporary media industries, AAA gaming is probably the most guilty of overhyping its product. I think part of this is because it's also the medium most susceptible to brand rot, i.e. series and developers losing their luster over time and instalments. Breath of the Wild was a massive success from an already iconic franchise, developed and published by the most famous gaming company on the planet. When I heard they were doing a direct sequel that would use the same map, I was leery. But TOTK manages to shine in way that even its predecessor failed to do. BOTW was the first "killer app" for the Nintendo Switch, and TOTK is the most recent.

TOTK is the rare open world game that actually feels like a little ecosystem, with moving parts, people, creatures, enemies, treasures etc. Many of which change depending on the weather and time of day. BOTW was the first Zelda game to adopt this formula, but TOTK perfects it. The need to monotonously climb towers a la Assassin's Creed is gone. There is so much to find if you are willing to explore, and the map comes with multiple robust tracking methods to avoid getting lost or forgetting if you've explored a particular cave or forest. The combat is basic at first glance, but once you've unlocked all of Link's powers, your ability to fight, transport yourself, and generally just have fun is limitless. So many modern games look expensive and pretty, but once you sink your teeth into them you realize how deceptively hollow they are, like a grocery store chocolate easter bunny. But this game is different; this game is a seven layer cake baked by artisan chefs. I don't want to get into too many specifics because the discovery is part of the fun. I can say with no hyperbole that The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is the best open world game I've ever played.

No game is perfect. There are some frame rate issues. The game sometimes chugs along when you're fighting a big group of monsters with multiple bomb explosions. This is less of an issue in docked mode, but anyone who plays primarily in handheld mode or has a Switch Lite should be aware. But the most important "issue" that concerns me isn't even about the game itself. Hear me out when I say this: Although TOTK is the better game, I think a person is doing themselves a disservice if they play it without playing BOTW first. Why? The thing I was most worried about going in ended up being a feature I loved. I played Breath of the Wild six years ago. In that time I confess that I had forgotten a few things about locations and characters. But rediscovering old places, seeing how they'd changed, was such a fun experience. The same goes for meeting familiar NPCs and following up on old story threads. It sparked the same joy as being reunited with an old friend after a long absence. I can't imagine playing TOTK without those memories so please, if you haven't played BOTW, complete it first. And don't play TOTK as soon as you finish! Wait at least a few months, let the experience simmer. It'll make you appreciate Tears of the Kingdom all the more. I get wanting to be part of the cultural zeitgeist, but I can't imagine playing them in reverse. I truly feel it would hamper the fun of both games.

TLDR: Tears of the Kingdom is the Game of the Year, or at least the Summer. Just please play Breath of the Wild first!!

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2023
