Played the main story levels to completion front to back. Won't ever go back for the rest of the achievements here. Terrible gameplay, a level chunk generation system that isn't remotely homogenius with one another, and a very clear weight towards wanting to make a franchise for pure profit over making an actually fun video game. Which is ironic coming from Super Meat Boy, a series made by people who were focused on making a fun game first over making a money grubbing soulless corpse.

I cannot remotely describe how aggressively disappointing this game is. You wait 10 years for the shittiest autorunner imaginable with the design philosophy of taking an iconic indie game, placing an interesting idea or two into it, then shoving the most aggressively terrible design decisions into it until it chokes on them, then giving up and turning that into an auto runner. Follow that up with a delicious side of attempting to bury the entire design philosophy of the original's story with one that's categoricially worse with an additional backstory for a character that was used as a gag in the original, turning them into a recurring bit character who's only use is a shoehorned reason for the final level to exist instead of writing something interesting.

Finalize that with the chaser shot of the dev trying to serialize the series into bootlegs of other genres of games because he's done cannablizing the corpse of a ten year old gaming trend and is now just straight up ripping off other games entirely but with a poorly inserted gimmick rather than trying to make anything remotely related to the original that made the series what it's known to be because he's fully aware that he can't because he has zero perceived talent at making anything original on his own and would rather throw money at the game to make the cutscenes pretty rather than make a playable video game first.

Reviewed on Dec 26, 2023
