You know, RE4 was a really impactful game for me growing up. It was the first action shooter I played, it was my introduction to the Resident Evil series, and it was probably one of the sources of why I became so goddamn snarky and sarcastic when talking with people.

RE4 was the turning point for Resident Evil going absolutely hog wild, changing genre's from Survival/Horror to Action/Horror, and I hope I don't have to explain the huge gap between those two types of games. The B/C-movie grade dialogue is still here, the tank controls are still here, and the resource management is still here. But if you've played RE1/2/3 (The Originals, Not The REmakes), you can definitely tell that there's a huge gap between what those games had and sold people on, and what this game provides. There's a psudo skill gap, where the game makes itself harder the better you are at it. There's QTEs, one of the first games to throw them into cutscenes forcing you to pay attention or face an instant kill. And there's the fact that the game lets you buy a rocket launcher at every single merchant. It's all that which makes the whole game feel...very very different from the last 3 Resident Evil games...but that doesn't mean it's bad.

And it isn't bad. I mean, if it's gotten me to buy 3 different versions of this game and beat all of them repeatedly, so it can't be bad.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
