Fallout 3 gets a really bad rap for being a worse New Vegas, and honestly it kinda deserves it? Lots of bugs, the side quests all end up being either go get a thing or go kill a thing, the colors of the wasteland aren't really that interesting, and the climax of the game is a glorified escort mission as cool as it ends up being.

THAT BEING SAID, it's still my favorite Fallout game. Yeah the level cap is stupid, but you get a perk every single level, making your character absurdly powerful by the time you hit 30. The weapons you can find in the overworld are really fun to fuck around with by that point too, and most importantly if you choose to break the game over your knee by giving yourself god mode, infinite ammo, and choose to hunt down the MIRV Launcher, you've given yourself a one way ticket to the most goddamn fun I've had in the capital wasteland in centuries. You just have to prepare to fight tooth and nail with the game to keep it from constantly crashing...

Reviewed on Jan 23, 2024
