7 reviews liked by Emil_N

I got 715 million power at all 3 locations. It was beautiful.

Most complex labyrinthian map ever designed and u barely even interact with the other players

You'll hear the n-word more times than you thought possible when you play this game.

every time i played this game i was confused and did not know what was happening.

conflicting experience. despite the lackluster gunplay, controls and generally janky feel, a well populated server with some friends can be exceptionally fun.

Ruben's death has got to be the "singing killed my grandma" of the gaming industry

yes i know this game is hated literally everywhere cause it has nothing to do with minecraft and the story is garbage but when i played it for the first time years ago back in 2015 i did actually love it since i did enjoy the whole "choose how the story goes" type game with games like the walking dead.even tho i do get the damn hate for it being a point and click adventure in a game thats based from an open world free sandbox which is a bit odd. i am still giving it 4 stars cause this game is nostalgic to me now and nostalgia beats everything >>>