Lacks a bit of depth but everything else here was really good. Would love to see this get expanded.

If you can't find solace in heaven, look me up in the Wire. I might even give you a little kiss.

Shocking how much is similar to Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2, pretty good although def some BS moments. Aged a bit but it has that old 80's video game charm

I feel like this game doesn't get enough respect but I'm too lazy to write all my thoughts down about it. Despite that though I really don't feel like playing 5 hours worth of prequel dlc but will force myself to do it anyways.

Peak VN thank you Uchikoshi for creating Aiba

Awesome remake of the first two, feels the best to play since THUG2

Fun card game with lot's of replay value, just sucks I can't read Japanese

Super underrated game with a serviceable plot and interesting take on JRPG gameplay

fine but has some major issues, might go back and properly beat it one day

It's dated game design is it's biggest flaw but I still love it for what it is