Unbelievable how Tango Gameworks pulled a game this cute and charming out of nowhere.

An amalgamation of the best bits from Jet Set Radio, Sunset Overdrive and Devil May Cry but also adding the rhythm element, and it's genius how almost every asset in your surroundings reacts to the beat! This just gets better considering the fact that it has a killer soundtrack with some original tracks and licensed music too! Every character is unique, each one has their own set of motivations, personality and charisma, even the villains! hell, even the fucking background characters! Beautiful artstyle as well, it has this sort of cartoony cel-shaded style that blends seamlessly when transitioning from the 2D cutscenes to the 3D gameplay.

The rhythm-based combat allows for very entertaining and satisfying encounters spiced with great enemy variety, and each boss fight has its own unique set of mechanics and dynamics that differentiates them from the rest. Flow is the word. Tango took some design choices from Doom Eternal with the collectibles, since they are actually fun to look for and don't feel like a chore. In fact there is a lot of references and easter eggs from games developed by the sister companies working under Bethesda. Progression feels very rewarding and straight-lined, no unnecessary RPG elements like most of the games that feel the need to have that nowadays.

I knew this was gonna be a 10/10 from the very first cutscene, a very fun adventure with a charming story and its own brand of humor that doesn't feel childish nor forced, but very on-point. One of few games that made me cry just because of its creativity, uniqueness, charm and mere existence; it is a thing of beauty. A game that respects your time. Feels like playing a 6th gen videogame again. Easy choice for game of the year.

Reviewed on May 23, 2023
