I'm not going to lie; I wasn't anticipating this game at all. Somehow, it came out of nowhere and has become my favorite game of the year. This game blew me away. I felt a deep connection with the characters and the narrative. There are so many great characters that I couldn't decide which one to romance. Laezel, Astarion, Karlach, and Shadowheart were my favorites, each with their own compelling stories woven into the main narrative.

I invested over 180 hours into this game, and even by the end, I wanted more. The three Acts that this game offers felt like almost a trilogy of games in terms of the sheer amount of content packed into each act. I was genuinely impressed with the scale, depth, and freedom this game gave you.

On top of all that, there's multiplayer, and I've been having a blast playing with friends. It's a whole other experience to have.

Reviewed on Sep 29, 2023
