Amplitude 2016

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I've played a lot of rhythm games and none of them have ever quite done it for me like Amplitude. I try other games and alway find my way back here, and I think I always will. There are some songs I'm still bad at, and probably always will be. But that's comforting in a way because it means I can never really be done.

The most important thing, the soundtrack, is fantastic and I wish it was available anywhere other than Youtube. My fingers still tap out the rhythms when I'm humming them to myself. The guest songs are also great - Impossible from Transistor is a highlight - but the tracklist is overall a bit short. It makes them all feel comfortable and familiar, but I'd by lying if I said I didn't regularly wish there were more.

The patterns are satisyingly complex, and always feel great to pull off. The visuals are easy to forget about, which is purposeful - it's all colorful and trippy, and really gets you in a flow state that makes it easy to feel accomplished from short and long play sessions.

Long song short, Amplitude is comfy, easy to pick up, and endlessly replayable. Just please give me easier access to the soundtrack.