This is a game that I haven't put many hours into since season 2 so most of my thoughts on it are predicated on that version of the game, although I have played it since that season.

For starters that I would like to say that this is an incredible game and love letter to fans of the series and fans of traditional 2d fighters so don't let my review deter you from trying this game out. DBZF is an objectively GOOD/GREAT game, and I really wanna reemphasize that point.

Now personally, I didn't really care for this game. I bought it at launch, played it for about 300 hours and dropped it a little before season 3 started. Around 2 or three months ago I decided to try the game out again to see what has changed and they did alot of great updates to the game!

I'm still not a fan of the core gameplay, it's a little bit too offensively minded for me. This is a game where I don't feel like defense really truly matters much. I never felt rewarded with making a good guess I just avoid the situation entirely or go back to neutral, I never WIN a situation off defending. A lot of the characters in the game feel exact same to me, this is a problem that was somewhat rectified in later seasons but for the most part characters fall into two categories

Pure rushdown or a hybrid of another archetype and rushdown, which is just simply not how I like to play my fighting games.

I'm glad this game sold so well, im happy for the staff and u can tell this game is just filled with love from the developers but for me, this wasn't it.

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2022
