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April 2, 2024

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Kill Nazis The Videogame!

New Order is an FPS that maintains a solid balance between presenting a satisfying gameplay and atmosphere.

Gameplay consists of shooting galleries and stealth sections. If you fail stealthy approach when needed, you'll be surrounded by a lot of enemies instantly. It can be hard to deal with hoards of enemies in this case, especially if you play in the hardest difficulty like I did.

How does the combat feel? There is nothing that special but it gets the job done. You have a pistol for steath, then assault rifle, shotgun and a sniper. The weaponry is rather generic except for your special weapon, Laserkraftwerk. You shoot lazers with this badboy as the name suggests. You can either shoot lazers normally or do a charge shot. With charge shot you can either focus on a singular target which is a devastating blow or focus on multiple targets at once. Using the charge shot feels really nice even though it depletes you whole battery pretty quickly.

However, the coolest part about the combat is dual wielding. You can hold two weapons at the same time. You can run around with two shotguns or assault rifles and shoot the seperately. You can dive in into 5 enemies and blast them like a maniac(if you play in easier difficultes tho). That is the most Doom-like badassery you can get from this game.

I also like the enemies. They look really imposing. Even the generic foot soldiers look like they can fuck you up. They look bulky and well protected. I love the pitch black armor they're wearing.

What about the story? Not bad tbh. Imagine a world Germans won WW2 and conquer the world. Our stoic protagonist stuck in a mental asylum in Poland as an American. Years later, he learns that the Nazis has won and he plans to gather a resistance group.

What I like about the story is all the details that were put behind the scenes. Nazi occupied almost all countries and dominates them not only in military power, also culturally. You can learn all about it in newspaper you'll find throughout the game. For instance, Brits stops eating fish and chips and decides to replace it with traditional German sausage. You can also find some of the music produced during Nazi era. Bands like Beatles converted their music into German to appease Nazi regime. That was a nice touch. Other than these details, general plot isn't necessarily impressive though.

In summary, it's a cool action-stealth shooter with a bit of a wacky but enjoyable story. I wish it had a bit more variety in weapons and combat in general. Some of the parts of the game became a bit stale.