Erato Composure Tenets

Here I hope to arrange a few tenets I've come to around on I compose my posts. Feel free to adopt any of the policies yourself or none of them. This is for my own peace of mind and self discipline from some of my worst habits if I don't follow these rules.

1. Add CN's (Content Notices) where necessary and be as reasonably comprehensive as possible~
~Always open to suggested additions for content warning I might have missed

2. No public rating on a game attached to the insight

3. No attacks of individual character of an author, whether on a game or another writer, nor being cynical of motives behind a work

4. No assessments of a piece before finishing it

Explanations on the reasons for each tenet below for those interested. It's my best hope these will keep me from being a gregarious fool.

1. Add CNs where necessary and be as reasonably comprehensive as possible

All of my CN's are well meaning and with intent to ward from extreme emotional duress as much as possible. Of course this includes discussions of heavy content like Assault, Gun Violence, Suicide, etc. but also seemingly trivial sources of duress like 'Videogame Difficulty Discourse'. I apply them all equally so as not to make judgements of character for different people being sensitive to different subject matter. We all come for different backgrounds that can cause us to be upset in different ways I want to respect that.

It also includes noting of more abstract rhetorical framing of an argument which can cause distress or outrage. We live in a world where social media has worn down our emotional nerves so even rhetorical tactics like using Lots of Hypotheticals or Using Queer Status to Support an Argument can cause sudden emotional outrage and I do not want to be complicit in the social engineering that keeps people in a constant state of outrage and emotional turmoil.

So I say this all to say that every single one of my CNs is well meaning and not taking the piss out of the idea.
2. No public rating on a game attached to the insight:

This is because ratings are fickle and often spurious to change for me, so I'd rather have the insights I write considered on the merits of the words rather than in relation to a score, regardless of length or quality of any insight I write.

Along with this, a rating may be a spoiler of the insight itself which is not ideal. Along with also getting caught in the weeds of potential bad publicity.
4. No assessments of a piece that is 'shelved' or 'abandoned' (retired is ok).

If you don't finish a game how can you know for sure if the criticisms you have sustain themselves? Tedium can decide the overall enjoyability of a piece maybe in support of it or against it.
3. No attacking the character of an author whether on a game or another writer

This one seems both obvious and silly but it's important to address the severity of what I mean by this.

What I mean here is that even if I directly look at the most rotten actions taken by another person like say Randy Pitchford (who would deserve that ire), I'm usually going to make a structural or cultural critique surrounding those actions as complicit in larger problems, rather than resorting to basic name calling. Individual attacks of character do nothing and offer mainly as a high engagement adrenaline pumping distraction point. That also means I'm not going to go around calling real life people evil, etc.

I'm also not going to say that a work exists for 'phony' reasons by the author, to clout chase or make money etc. Even in the cases where this is blatantly true, I highly recommend you also do not do this as it creates an atmosphere of paranoia that strangles what the work can say to us.


1 year ago

I've chopped away the 120 day threshold between public insights because I've been convinced that it was a policy affect I had mainly out of paranoia. That being said if a game is short I'll exchange this with replaying the game once more before a public reflection so I can try to come to better grips with my feelings on the game before posting.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

Added 3 new policies. Call me out if I ever break one of these. Still not sure where to put these in a post since it seems clumsy to put it anywhere. Maybe I'll put it in my bio. I expect people I'm mutuals with me to intervene if I break any of these going forward if they want to. Anybody who sees these are free to add me through my contacts and let me know if I do though.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

Substantial change to rule 2 made.

1 year ago

In announcement of a way to mute your own comment section I will be lifting the comment embargo. I still recommend regular readers not get caught up in comment arguments if you can help yourself. This is just a necessary step in gaining more notoriety.

1 month ago

Removed rule 6 which stated that I shouldn't quote people without their permission or if they are following me. Even though the writing on here is amateur its still public statements, and I no longer have to worry about negative reputation from doing so since I'm outcast from the official discord (which at this point I have no interest in rejoining anyway) and I have my comments off across the site. If the statement is deleted I'll delete my quotation which naturally means I'll be following this rule anyway, but I'm not going to force myself to do so.

1 month ago

I've also deleted the rule on no ragepost kayfabes because it was ambiguous and frankly unnessecary. Writing primarily from pathos is generally an ill advised writing practice and one I've successfully limited. If I do post something that offends the tastes of the general reader then it doesnt matter because I cant be contacted on here anymore as per my desires.

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