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It's not as great as other two, but this one is also very fun. Story doesn't really makes sense (which i don't really care in a hack and slash game), i dislike Viola's gameplay and the thing i hate most was the constant reliance on demon slaves. Demon slaves control good enough, but you use them SO MUCH it kills the normal combat imo. New weapons and combos are really fun. Music is great as always. Graphics and art design is good again. Sometimes changing the gameplay to platformer-esque minigame of Jeanne was quite fun honestly. And sometimes when you fought bosses, gameplay changed signicifantly which i really loved because it changes the pace to racing game etc. and hack and slash gameplay doesn't feel repetitive. Final boss was AMAZING. Overrall a solid game, with flaws. But definitely a must-play that's for sure. 8/10.