Log Status






Time Played

20h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 3, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


If you are aware that this is not a RPG, that this is very lightly related to the previous Valkyrie Profile games and that it is on all front pretty average, you will probably have a fun time on this 20-hour journey.

The main, and to some extent, only shining point of the game is the gameplay. This is a traditional Action combat game, made mostly by the staff of Onimusha and Ninja Gaiden games. For an action combat game, the combat is quite slow, which can be hard to adapt to as first, but makes for a much easier experience in terms of pulling combo, using magic and so on than a Devil May Cry for example.
The gameplay progression is really well paced with a flow of new weapons, mechanics and magics through the 20h that the game will take you. By the end of the game, the gameplay has evolved to a point that is truly satisfying and fun.

Unfortunately, it feels like the dev team was very aware that only the gameplay worth investing the little budget they had, as all the rest is terribly average. Level design, graphics and enemy diversity are nothing worth writing about.
The story, even considering again that this is not a RPG, is very slim, with the main story being pretty much all packed in the final mission. Which leads to the several endings, a feature still fun and interesting, and not frustrating this time around as it is very easy to unlock and see all of them.
I will also note that the Einherjar back story, while only told through audio drama, are really good and fun to discover. Two of them in particular were quite audacious for a Japanese developer with themes such as gender and discrimination well touched upon.
Finally, I'll note that the music is on the good side of Sakuraba's works. It is not as memorable as Valkyrie Profile work, but it is definitely a step up from his recent soundtracks. I appreciated the restrain in a lot of tracks.

It's definitely a game I recommend to fan of the genre if you are even remotely interested in Valkyrie universe. For the others, wait for a sale but if you give the demo a try and enjoy it, go for it, it's a fun game and it knows when to take its exit before gameplay becomes stale.