Again like I said in FF7R, this game’s visuals, characters and music is absolutely amazing. HOWEVER, I was already a little off put by the changes in story and presentation, as well as some other more minor things, in the 2020 Remake and here they made even more changes. Also as I said before, if it were the entire original remade into one game it would've been given a higher score, but because of this structure I am merely rating this part.

Specifically kinda ruining the most tragic, impactful and iconic scene (my favorite scene) from the original, you know which one, this game is still amazing and adds things that build character development and more content. Although some of that content also just feels padded out for a longer runtime, it also gives more time for smaller interactions between the characters.

So I’m mostly satisfied but again do not prefer the changes made. I'd instead really recommend playing through the original to experience it the best way first. Also the ending was a bit disappointing personally.


Reviewed on Mar 25, 2024


2 months ago

i don't really think of stuff like that as "changes" since this game is the second part of a sequel to final fantasy vii, not a remake. idk why they even called the first one that. rebirth and remake aren't alternative versions of final fantasy vii, they are their own games entirely following up on that original game. much like crisis core or advent children rly

2 months ago

@BandwidthSlayer I know they are but for a casual audience it looks like a remake but with added things to build a closer connection to the characters, I think the "Whispers of Fate" and the story essentially being a new/separate timeline isn't that good or at least not executed properly. I think it also just falls short of different aspects and ideas that the original had, which can go from minor to pretty big. I still love this game but I would NOT recommend this as your first journey into FF7 which it is for a lot of players.