It's not easy to put into words how I'm feeling after finally beating this game. I was expecting to feel somewhat empty after finishing it, as with most games like it. But I don't feel that way. I wept pretty openly multiple times by the end of this game, but it was never because I was sad. I feel almost a sense of fulfillment, even inspiration.

I do not think, that by any means, this game is perfect. It has its own set of flaws as any game does. Yet, even through those, this game delivers a message that I think is important. It's one that rings true to me just as it does to many others now and to come. Games like this are why I love games. Games like this remind me why games are so special.

This game frustrates me to death because I had a mostly negative opinion of it for the first two-thirds or so. After things picked up literally 30 hours in, I started finding myself actually loving the story and characters so much more. I hated Rex quite a bit for most of the game, as I'm sure lots of others do, but even he grew on me a bit by the end.

I do like this game, probably a lot even, but I really can't just ignore how much I disliked the first 30 hours. Will I ever play it again? Probably not. But man, I'm so glad I didn't drop it.

It's not an exaggeration to say this game is as difficult as beating down a brick wall. But when you get glimpses of the brilliance that sits on the other side of that wall, it makes you want to keep chipping away no matter how impossible it seems. When the wall finally crumbles and you come out the other side, I genuinely think it's one of the most rewarding and satisfying experiences I've ever had.