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December 22, 2021

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A solid entry into the up and coming lawyer's saga

Justice for All manages to be a decent sequel for the original Ace Attorney with some weird quirks and more slow pacing than usual here. Cases here are of varying quality with some unique premises for cases combined with some awful characters in a certain case. I will not go too much into the mechanics and gameplay flow of the game as it's mostly the same from the first game albeit with a new mechanic I'll go into depth later.

There's more Phoenix Wright here and for the most part, it's pretty good. Franziska is a pretty great main prosecutor for this game and manages to not be a complete imitation of any previous characters, loved her here. There are some case premises that I can appreciate them doing here as it gives the case a different sort of layout and format sometimes. The final case is an overall amazing case that really brought the suspense that I've grown to love in the series without feeling too forced.

Justice for All introduces a new mechanic into the game called Psyche-Locks which I'm honestly completely mixed on. I like the concept of presenting evidence during the investigation phase to spice up these segments and make you think of how to formulate a theory that will let you get more evidence. What I don't like is that it's pretty punishing and tedious when it stops you in your tracks completely and makes you backtrack more for the right amount of evidence to one shot a lock since you get penalized and have to completely restart it if you screw up too many times. Another weird quirk of this system is that the "health" system also seems to be linked to courtroom penalties which doesn't honestly make sense considering these are different things completely. I also didn't like the music here as much as the first game but I still think it's a solid soundtrack. My main problem is just the cases can feel pretty slow sometimes including the final case felt like it was being dragged out to the point of annoyance but despite that I still think the final case is pretty great as Phoenix Wright gets some great character development.

Despite liking the first game more, I still enjoy Justice for All a fair bit. For the reputation of it being the weakest in the series, it's honestly still a solid Ace Attorney experience that I didn't mind the complaints that much.

Do you finally know what it means to be a "lawyer"?